Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year from Buenos Aires!!!

below the equator...

Toren and I made it, with all our bags to Buenos Aires. We have been enjoying the good weather and sunny skies. An old friend has made room in his apartment in San Telmo and we have been exploring the city for the past couple days. Tonight will be full of surprises as we prepare to welcome in the new year with 13 million plus people. Tomorrow, we leave for Puerto Madryn to visit the wildlife refuge there. From there it's to southern Patagonia for the rest of January to explore Parques Nacionals Tierra del Fuego, Torres del Paine, and Los Glaciares. Internet may be spotty so don't check this too often. Enjoy the snow norther of here and make some turns for us...

Friday, December 12, 2008

the next step

Well here I am. I have graduated from the University of Montana. The realization of this will hit me over time, but for now I am changing the occupation box on my applications from 'student' to 'educated wanderer.' Good luck and stay in touch.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


moving through this world,
ethereal in appearance.

figments of my imagination
twisted by images
of sublime reality.

a world lost
to time
scattered across
a broken


how the world turns;
inescapable in it's

the view softens,
subdued hues
wind shaped

time slows;
melting with the

elemental in nature.

questions asked.
never answered.


take a moment's rest
sweat and soil, relentless heat
as you dream of rain

Monday, December 8, 2008

say it like it is

If you're reading this, then you likely know who I am. This is how you can check the status of my South America trip: when I have internet access and some time, I will post where I am/have been, what I've been doing, and so on. Pictures will be posted to my flickr site, which can be accessed at Replys to emails will probably be brief, but I will try to respond as soon as possible. I leave December 28th, so check back sometime around New Years and we'll see how on top of this I can be. Adios!