Monday, February 9, 2009

time for recovery

Well we have finally made it back to our starting point 5 weeks ago, Buenos Aires. After the longest bus ride I hope I will never have to endure again, we returned to the heat, humidity, and city life. On Saturday, we left Punta Arenas (Sandy Point), Chile, early in the afternoon. After a two hour border crossing, we arrived in Rio Gallegos. Attempts to procure cheap plane tickets failed and we purchased bus tickets to Buenos Aires that left that night. During the 38 hour bus ride (no typo here), we finished books, watched 5 movies, and didn't sleep much. All in all, it took 48 hours to get from Punta Arenas to Buenos Aires. We'll be in Buenos Aires for a few days to recover from sitting too much and then take another overnight bus out to Mendoza. Aconcagua is the next big step of the trip and it has begun to overtake much of my thinking time. I will be glad to start to the mountain, but we are both nervous and excited about the challenges the mountain has to offer. A couple more posts should happen before we begin the climb.

Photos have been posted! Check out to see what we have been up to.

1 comment:

Meryl said...

I miss you two.......
I am so happy that PENGUINS were spotted and in mass numbers! Missoula is well... the snow sucks, so no need to be jealous, the skiing hasnt been good. Denali stopped by for a visit the other day, she it looking quite thin (no sarcasm there) she is skinny! Her and Louis (forrests dog) got along quite well. The kombucha is fermenting quite nicely under the bathroom sink!
I am thinking about you lots, good luck on the journey ahead I am eternally jealous!!!!!
ps.... Happy Valintines day!
Love, Meryl