Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Aconcagua 2009 -- Team Condor

Aconcagua stands at 6962 meters (22,637 feet) above sea level. The highest point outside of the Himalayas and considered the roof of the Americas, it is a challenge to mountaineers around the world. On February 21, 2009, three young American mountaineers entered Aconcagua Provincial Park in the provence of Mendoza, Argentina. As all people with too much time tend to do, they dubed themselves Team Condor, and began the long and difficult journey to touch the sky. The approach to Plaza de Mulas (4270 m) was easy enough, but that was only the beginning. The weather was favorable and the next day was spent doing a portage up to Camp Alaska (5180 m). Clouds moved in and we decended back to Plaza de Mulas with a light snow falling. A higher camp was desired and Nido de Cóndores (5350 m) was the next target. As we pulled into camp, so did a storm. Tents were put up in blowing snow and lightening crashed into the mountains around us. Three afternoons of thunder and lightening at Nido did nothing for our confidence. The winds were getting stronger and the weather forcast looked poor. We stashed some food, packed up in a blizzard, and began the descent through a white-out back to Plaza de Mulas. Wind and snow storms kept us in ours tents for three days at basecamp, until one morning the weather cleared and the mountain opened up before us. Itching for physical activity, we began our return to the camp at Nido. Light winds the next day allowed us to make the move up to Camp Berlin (5780 m), the final high camp. A night without sleep brought us to summit day and we woke up at 3:00 a.m. with knots in our stomachs. A Polish team of 10 people left Berlin with us, but we all quickly became strung out across the route. Team Condor struggled through gale force winds and blowing snow that stung our faces and after almost 12 hours of movement, reached the summit of Aconcagua at 4:15 p.m. on March 6, 2009. We were tired and could feel the altitude, but we all had the biggest smiles of our lives. We stood looking across the Andes, grabing photos to remember our journey, and then began the descent back to Mendoza. Which is where we are now, rested up and ready for our next adventure. Yesterday were wine tours via bicycle, tomorrow is a bus ride to new destinations. We miss you all, but know that you were all in our hearts and thoughts as we touched the roof of the Americas.


Ben Johnson said...

yay team condor! congrats guys! can't wait to hear more about it. safe travels for the rest of your trip and as you make your way back home.

Meryl said...

wooo, hooo!!!! donde estal el summit photo???? of your large smiling faces..... miss you.

Cragier said...

Hola Team Condor

Well done , you have reached a life goal and had a life lesson all in one experience. We miss you all, look forward to seeing you in Idaho this summer. Go Griz